


簽證(Visa)只能在加拿大境外申請, 在加拿大境內能申請的是許可(Permit). 簽證跟許可有什麼不一樣? 

許可(Permit)這個東西通常都是你已有簽證(Visa)後, 入境加拿大才可以辦的.

學生簽證跟工作簽都可以到加拿大後辦學生許可和工作許可.  但觀光簽證是不能夠拿來辦理許可的, 觀光簽證只是證明你有資格可入境加拿大.

持免觀光簽證入境加拿大的朋友, 入境時海關有權決定你可以停留在加拿大的時間.  一般來說最長是可以停留6個月.




如果要在加拿大申請工作許可, 你必須符合一些條規定並提供相關文件:

● 你在加拿大短期停留許可的有效時間必須要有六個月或更久, 這個許可可以是


● 你有加拿大雇主給的一份工作

● 一份完整的申請證明你的條件符合加拿大移民和難民保護法及難民保護條例

● 勞工局的書面確認, 雇主可以聘用外國人來工作的職務

● 給加拿大移民局你工作完後會離開加拿大的證明.

● 證明你有停留在加拿大的財力

● 沒有犯罪紀錄, 有可能需要提供良民證

● 證明你不會危害加拿大的安全

● 健康狀況良好, 你有可能需要做健康檢查




Eligibility to apply from inside Canada

  • You can only apply for a work permit from inside Canada if:
  • ● you have a valid study or work permit, or your spouse or parents have a study or work permit
  • ● you have a work permit for one job but want to apply for a work permit for a different job
  • you have a temporary resident permit that is valid for six months or more or
  • ● you are in Canada because you have already applied for permanent residence from inside Canada. You will have to pass certain stages in the main application process before you can be eligible for a work permit.


You must also have the following documents:

  • ●  a job offer from a Canadian employer
  • ●  a completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and
  • ●  written confirmation from HRSDC that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion.   
  •    ○ In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.
  •    ○ In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.)

You must also do the following:

  • ●  Satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.
  • ●  Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.
  • ●  Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See Police Certificates for more information.
  • ●  Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.
  • ●  Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)


更多相關資料: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/apply-who-eligible.asp


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