


What should I call you? (First name, Mr. / Mrs. / Miss) 我要如何稱呼您?


What bus/buses do I take to go to school?如何搭公車到校?


What time is breakfast? What time is dinner?早餐/晚餐時間是什麼時候?


How may I help with dinner preparations/clean up?



Which meals will I need to prepare for myself?那一餐是我自己需要準備?


Should I phone if I am going to be late for dinner? What time should I call?

如果來不及回來吃晚餐,是不是要先電話通知? 幾點以前需通知?


What time do most family members go to bed? And when must I be very quiet? 大家都什麼時候上床睡覺? 我什麼時候是必需要保持安靜?


What is the time limit for showers? 什麼時候是洗澡的時間限制?


What am I expected to do other than: make my bed, clean my room, keep the  bathroom clean?除了整理自己床鋪,清潔房間,保持衛浴設備乾淨之外,還需要做些什麼?


Can anyone help me with my homework? When can I get help?

有人可以輔導我做功課嗎? 我什麼時候能找人幫忙?


May I bring my friends home with me after school or on the weekends?



What is the procedure for washing my clothes? 如何洗衣服?


Where can I keep my shampoo, toothpaste, soap, etc?



What is the most convenient time for me to use the bathroom in the mornings / evenings? 我早上/晚上什麼時間用浴室(洗澡)比較不會影響到你們?


May I help myself to food and drinks at any time or should I ask first?



May I put up pictures, poster in my room?我可以在房間掛海報或照片嗎?


Where can I store my luggage? 我的行李可以放在哪?


May I use the stove to cook? 我可以使用爐子煮東西嗎?


How should I lock the outside door/set the house alarm?怎麼鎖門或設定防盜鈴?


What should I do in case of an emergency (fire, flood, accident, etc?)





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